My name is Yahmawati Simatupang. I m the youngest of a twelve children. Given that, i was the most got attention from my parents, brothers and sisters.
I was born in Langsa, East Aceh on April 4th 1964. I graduated my SD, SMP and SMA in Pematang Siantar and I continued my study to IKIP Medan For DIII. Then after few years I taught, I continued my S1 in Open University (Universitas Terbuka) in Jambi. I finished my magister in Medan University (Universitas Medan) in 2006. Since that I had taught in Batanghari University for thirteen years until the first semester of 2019.
I have been teaching since 1988. For the last 19 years, I have worked for Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan. I have loved my teaching and training for my whole life. I love it so much because I can also do my hobby. I have also been lucky for that.
Buku yang diterbitkan :
1. Professional Solution on Writing (Mistakes Chase the Adventure and Enjoy the Journey) (2019)